Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why do you write?

Why do I write? Certainly not for the money. My writing expenses (ink, postage, workshops, how-to-books) have no income to balance against––yet.

I write because I love to polish words and phrases. I roll words around in my mind and feel them on my tongue. I dissect words and put them together again in exciting new ways, twisting and turning phrases. My sentences have a life of their own. If I put my work aside and pick it up weeks later, I am surprised and frequently delighted by my words -- as if seeing them for the first time.

Many authors insist that editing their own work is the worst part of the writing process, but I love searching for weak verbs, vague pronouns, and useless words. The "Find" feature of my word-processing software is a terrific tool in my hunt for "it", "was", "", and "".  The time I spend hunting down these limp words may not be cost-efficient, but gives me hours of entertainment.

A red pencil gives me satisfaction too. When I owned a business and received letters with grammar and spelling issues, I felt compelled to circle them, though I stopped short of returning the errors to the sender. Perhaps I should have been a teacher.  Now I use my red pencil for good.  Within our local writers group we exchange chapters for comments and corrections.  I enjoy editing the work of others––as long as the authors welcome my suggestions.  In the process my own writing improves.

When an author I respect takes the time to read and comment on my work, I truly appreciate their assessments. I always mull over their suggestions and frequently agree with them.  Their honest feedback  improves my writing.

I write because it makes me happy, but I hope that someday my effort will be validated by a reader or publisher willing to pay hard-earned cash for my novel.

Today is not that day. The agent who had expressed a mild interest in my novel, Rim to Rim––Death in the Grand Canyon, sent a nice rejection letter today.  I'll keep pounding away at this writing craft, but right now that day of validation seems light-years away.


  1. Follow your dream. I like to write as well now that I have time. So far blogging and a few stories published (for free) in a birding magazine are the peak of success.... but it is fun. Good luck!

  2. I'm a birder of sorts too, but only Florida's larger birds. Small birds just won't hold still long enough. I frequently carry by binoculars and a field guide to the Six Mile Cypress Slough in Fort Myers to watch the water birds.

  3. You have picked excellent locales as settings for your mysteries and this blog shows that you have a mastery with the English language. I am sure I will see your book in the stores soon. Can I get a version for my Kindle?

  4. Yes, once I get "Rim to Rim" published, I will certainly publish e-books, including Kindle. It's the wave of the future.


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